While one of the key factors in sustainability is a commitment to the environment, and in this area one of the main goals is to produce clean energy, at Flessofab we have been active for a long time and make our contribution on a daily basis. We have a propensity to believe that the world should be a safe place from an environmental point of view in general and from the point of view of everyone’s living conditions in particular. And we strive to prove it, because we are aware that the echo of each small step can reach far, becoming an example for others, a true demonstration that each of us can push the planet a little toward global improvement.
The business world plays a central role in achieving the goal set by SDG-7 of Agenda 2030, the Programme of Action for People, Planet and Prosperity, signed in 2015 by UN member countries. Industries, energy-intensive or not, are always large consumers of electricity and must be the first to invest in clean energy sources, such as solar, wind or thermal, and to focus on technologies that reduce electricity consumption in offices and factories. The UN Global Compact, to which more than 18,000 companies from 160 countries around the world adhere to date, has focused on specific indicators designed to measure the contribution of companies and the actions they are required to take to be energy friendly, including:
- Conduct an internal audit of energy consumption
- Adopt a corporate energy policy that establishes guidelines in relation to energy access and use
- Train staff on energy efficiency
- activate clean energy production
- Acquire energy-saving technologies
According to data collected by Terna, in Italy in 2020 one-third of the electricity produced will come from renewable sources and meet more than 36 percent of demand. This is an excellent result, which should be considered as a starting point for further investment and development strategies of renewable sources.
At Flessofab, with an installed capacity of 403 kWp and a covered area of 4100 square meters, the photovoltaic system ensures an annual clean energy production of 475 MWh, avoiding the emission of about 250 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. With solar panels installed in an integrated manner on the roofs of the three factories, we cover a large part of our energy needs, thus reducing our environmental footprint. Further investments have been made in recent years to set up plants to treat waste fumes and solvents.Serving the rotogravure printing press, the solvent recovery plant ensures high efficiency in abatement of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions and recovery of Ethyl Acetate. Thanks to the high purity rate, annually about 18 tons of Ethyl Acetate can be fed back into the production cycle, avoiding the environmental impact of buying new solvent. With constant control of solvent concentration and nitrogen regeneration of carbons in the absence of oxygen, total process safety is ensured. Connected instead to the 3 flexographic printing presses, the thermal oxidation plant ensures the abatement of VOCs through their oxidation at a temperature of 800°C. The heat of combustion produced by the exothermic oxidation reaction helps to reduce, to almost zero, the consumption of fuel gas (methane). For concentrations above the auto-thermal level, the burner can remain off, keeping only the pilot flame lit.
Reducing environmental impact, making research the constant trend, investing in clean energy production, installing advanced technologies that benefit recovery and reuse, and promoting the circular economy through the development of effectively recyclable packaging solutions are the cornerstones of our understanding of environmental sustainability. We feel a keen sense of responsibility for the impact of our business on the environment, which is why we have chosen to protect nature as much as possible from our passage. We want to contribute to a safe, equitable world that is able to give everyone access to cheap, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems.